The following resources are based on materials that TELE created for the New England Cottontail outreach project. The versions presented below are fairly general and can be customized for any project promoting young forest habitat creation. We invite you to customize these resources and use them in your outreach projects. For more resources on young forest habitat, please see the New England Cottontail Website.
Project Tracking Tool
The tracking tool is a single database that logs all your outreach activities and landowners’ responses. It’s a great way to manage the outreach process and also generate summaries to see how well it’s going. This tracking tool is Excel format and can be edited to meet the needs of your specific project process.
Ideas for Media Outreach
This document provides ideas for outreach to localized media outlets. If landowners learn about your project through these channels they are more likely to say “yes” when you contact them directly with a specific ask. The story ideas included are examples for the New England Cottontail project; however, your team can substitute stories similar in content, length, and tone for your project.
Mailers are used as the initial outreach to landowners. These mailers are targeted towards the three main audiences of the New England Cottontail Initiative - Absentee Urban Landowners, Traditional Rural Landowners, and Local Woodland Retreat Landowners for each state. They can be edited for your project.
Mailer for Absentee Urban Landowners DOWNLOAD .DOCX DOWNLOAD .PDF
Mailer for Traditional Rural Landowners DOWNLOAD .DOCX DOWNLOAD. PDF
Mailer for Local Woodland Retreat Landowners DOWNLOAD .DOCX DOWNLOAD. PDF
Habitat Creation Process
This Habitat Creation Process diagram walks landowners through the steps they will take if they agree to create young forest habitat on their property. You can give something similar to your landowners to provide a clear description of the process. This document can also be used as a reference to help understand the Project Tracking Tool and edit it for your own use.
These videos support young forest creation by showing landowners what they can expect their forest to look like over time if they agree to a habitat creation project. They can be useful for educating and inspiring landowners to create young forest on their land.
Habitat Plan Template
The plan template was created to help the New England Cottontail teams to create complete and easy-to-read habitat plans for landowners. It can be used as a guide to create a Habitat Plan Template for your project.